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What do dogs see in 2022? Find out all the curious details of his vision

What do our dogs think of us when they see us on TV? In the mirror, what reflections are there?

You won't need to worry anymore if you've ever asked yourself these questions! Discover all the wonders about your dog's vision in our blog.

Despite what we believe, dogs don't quite see us as we do them. Likewise, they do not see in black and white. Research suggests dogs perceive color differently than humans, but not in the same way.

Trichomatic vision is a condition in which we see red, blue, and green colors. Despite this, dogs have dichromatic vision, which makes them particularly sensitive to blue and yellow hues. Curious, right? We can also detect other differences.

Unlike our 150 retinal cells, theirs only has 40, so they perceive fewer colors than the ones we perceive through light. The acuity of your vision is influenced by a variety of factors, such as your perception of motion, your reflexes, and your depth perception.

A dog can sense us both by scent and sight, Borja Capponi explains in the video. One aspect of their great olfactory capacity is that they can smell the chemical reactions that our bodies produce when we think. When we think, neurons produce neurotransmitters that are detectable by them. However, they don't fully grasp it; they simply feel it.

Additionally, they can perceive us not only by observing our body language but also by observing our facial expressions through their sight. The reason? A living being emits light in the visible and ultraviolet spectrums through ultra-weak photon emission (which humans don't perceive).

https://www.petsloo.com/pet-classifieds/listing-category/dogs-puppies/ surrounding our mouths and cheeks, however, have been shown to affect dogs' perception of this ultraviolet light and how we feel. As a result, dogs understand what our facial expression means hidden from our view.

Our own behavior, mood, or actions can have a direct effect on their behavior. Following a dog trainer's recommendations can help prevent these behavioral problems.

The olfactory receptors in their bodies number between 200 and 300 million, while humans only have 5 million.

It is possible for them to detect what is going on even 2 kilometers away or over 10 meters underground due to their sense of smell.

Their ability to isolate scents allows them to follow the trail of that scent.

Our moods are continuously sensed (but they can't understand them).

Our body language can also be perceived by them. To make dogs feel strong and dominant, it is important to maintain your security and calm when around them. By doing so, you will be able to know that we are the ones responsible for protecting your family.

Our mood influences behavior, so if we can self-regulate our mood, we can reward countless behaviors without realizing it.

Three weeks after birth, cubs begin to see for the first time, since at birth, they are completely blind. The development of the dogs' senses usually begins between the ages of five and seven weeks, and the development of their visual faculties usually begins around three months of age when the dogs are fully developed.

From puppyhood, we should teach him in a place with few stimuli in order to prevent him from being distracted and to expedite his education. On the other hand, the hygiene of your eyes cannot be overlooked.

Perimeter vision is always used, except in dangerous situations. In dangerous situations, fixed vision is used to focus and have a better view of what is being observed.

Just by watching how others move, they can identify them.

The animals can detect shapes and objects at a distance of approximately 800 meters. Although it is difficult for them to observe them closely, they usually use their sense of smell to identify elements less than 30 centimeters away.

Though they are incapable of focusing objects as well as humans, their visual acuity allows them to focus and differentiate between objects.

The dilation capacity of his pupil facilitates his night vision.

People tend to have good visual memories, but they have poor auditory memories. A person always uses his or her olfactory and auditory memories before his or her visual memory.

This may sound like a myth, but it is totally true. As a result of their pupils, they can see even in low-light conditions due to their great capacity for dilation. It is also true that their eyes have reflective cells.

Yes, you read correctly! They are known as Tapetum Lucidum, and they are capable of seeing perfectly in complete darkness without the use of light.