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10 Best Facebook Pages That I've Ever Seen. Electric Wall Mounted Fire
Add Elegance and Sophistication to Any Room With an Electric Wall Mounted Fire

Electric fires don't require a chimney and can be set up even in rooms that don't have a fireplace. Electric fires require little maintenance, as they don't require being cleaned or emptied of ash. They also don't require the purchase of logs or stacking them.

Maxhonor's cheapest wall-mounted fire comes with impressive features, including two settings for heat and timers that range from 1- 8 hours, a realistic LED flame, smart home connectivity and crystals and driftwood sparks.


The beauty of a wall mounted electric fireplace is that they're ideal for those who want to provide warmth and ambiance rooms without the need for structural modifications. They don't require venting or gas lines and are a lot easier to install than a traditional fireplace and only require to be connected to operate.

Installation will vary depending on the model of wall-mounted electric fireplace that you select. Certain models will require you to install the wall bracket and then install the screen within it while other models will require you to attach the firebox and screen as a complete unit to the wall bracket. It is essential to choose the best location for your electric fireplace that is near a power outlet. Check that the power cable can reach beyond the wall bracket as well as the socket. Alternately, you can move the plug socket behind the fireplace for the best look.

A high-quality electric fireplace will come with thorough instructions on how to set it up. As long as you have some basic tools (like a spirit level and the stud finder) installing an electric wall-mounted fire will be a relatively simple task that shouldn't take more than half an hour to complete.

The majority of electric fires generate heat in one way or another - either through a space heating system that blows hot, humid air around the room or through an infrared heater which enhances the realistic flame effects. However, it's also possible to buy models of wall-mounted electric fires that do not generate any heat and only provide the appearance of flames.

The Camino electric wall mount fire from Flamerite is a great example of a modern, elegant wall mounted electric fireplace which is equipped with the most modern LED technology that produces stunning flame effects and a cosy heating experience. This particular model can even be controlled via voice using Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant which means you'll be able to enjoy your new fireplace with ease and simplicity.


A high-end electric wall mounted fireplace can add class and sophistication to any space. They are also simple to maintain. You don't have to worry about purchasing coal or wood, or emptying the ashtrays. Just connect the fireplace to an electrical outlet. The fireplace can be switched on and off with the press of a button. You can also alter the flame's brightness or the heat settings.

There are a variety of electric wall fires depending on your design and functionality needs. Certain models come with built-in blowers that circulate warm air in the room. Others utilize an infrared heater. This kind of heating system can be more efficient than a standard space heater because it warms surfaces and objects as well as the air.

The Endeavour Fires Egton Wall Mounted Electric Fire offers a unique heater for many homes. It can be wall-mounted or recessed into the wall and is available with either the black curved panel or a white glass panel with pebbles. Its LED lighting and flame effects are highly realistic, and comes with 13 different colors for the flame. The digital remote control is simple to use and the thermal cut-off feature safeguards you and your family members in the event of a power malfunction or surge.

You can mount a wall-mounted electric fire in your home by drilling a small exploratory hole in the desired spot and then using the template included with the unit to mark the location you'll be fixing it. Make sure that the fire on the wall is near enough to a power socket, and that its cable is able to reach it without a long distance. You can also hide the power cables from view behind the wall-mounted fireplace in order to create a truly sleek finish.

For a modern look, consider this electric fireplace by HOMCOM. It features a stunning curved front made of tempered glass that is equally stunning when off as when it is. It can be wall-mounted, or recess into the wall and it has an adjustable thermostat display that can be programmed to set the ideal temperature levels. You can also use the remote to adjust the heat settings as needed.


A wall-mounted electric fireplace is a fantastic option to bring the ambiance of a fireplace to your home without the maintenance and safety concerns that are associated with a traditional fireplace. They are safe to put on a wall without any additional installation requirements. They are also safe for children.

However, just as with any electrical appliance, there are some precautions you should take to ensure your family's safety and to avoid accidental fires. Follow the instructions for installation provided by the manufacturer and consult a professional. Also, ensure to keep cords out of reach of children.

Electric fireplaces can also be hung on the wall, but only if you mount them to the exact specifications of the fireplace. Otherwise, they may fall off the wall and harm the fireplace or harm anyone who falls on. It is important to hire a professional to do the installation, and to select a place that is at minimum five to four feet above the floor so that children can't get it and cause injuries or damage.

The majority of electric fireplaces with wall mounts that we carry at ClassicFlame(r) come with several built-in safety features, including emergency shut-off switches, which help to prevent overheating and lower the risk of fire. They also come with timers which allow you to set the fireplace to shut off after a specified amount of time ranging from 30 minutes to 9 hours.

The glass in the front of an electric fireplace remains cool to the touch which makes it safe for pets and children. It is essential to warn children about the dangers and use the firescreen to deter. Install the fireplace at about five or four feet above the ground if you have a sleepwalker.

There are no fumes or smoke generated by electric fires, making them an ideal choice for homes with sensitive airways. in wall electric fire don't require venting or chimney inspections and they do not produce dangerous byproducts, such as carbon monoxide.


A wall-mounted electric fire can be a focal point in any room. There are a variety of options available in a range of styles, from modern linear designs to traditional hole-in the-wall options. Sierra Flame 55" wall-mounted linear fireplace features a deep charcoal steel surround that can be customized to complement your interior style. You can pick from a variety of glass colors and lighting kits. The modern fireplace is equipped with a remote as well as a timer to make it more convenient. You can select whether you want the flames to be displayed with or without heating.

The Be Modern Avella Grande Electric Fire is an impressive alternative to the traditional log burner. It has a chic black front with an authentic log fuel effect. The modern design is available in a matt black or black nickel finish, and comes with a thermostat that can be set to a certain temperature and a remote control to make it more user-friendly. If you are looking for an electric fireplace that is minimalist, the Pureglow Carmen Illusion has a sleek cast facia in a lovely chrome or black finish. It also comes with a beautiful log effect.

While it is possible to purchase an electric wall-mounted fire that doesn't produce heat, the majority will contain some sort of heater built into them to enhance their authenticity. It could come in the form of an air heater that blows air through an artificial flame, or it could be an infrared heating device that uses invisible heat to warm objects and the room.

Whether you prefer the traditional stove style or prefer something more contemporary and minimalist There's a broad range of styles to suit all tastes. Elgin & Hall Chollerton Electric Fire 22" Inset With Cast Stove Fascia gives a cosy aesthetic with a rustic fuel bed. It also offers the option of turning on the heater of 2kW if desired. For a more eye-catching centerpiece, the Celsi Ultraflame VR Louvre wall mount fire is sure to be a showstopper.

Some electric wall mounted fireplaces come with a false breast that can be hung up on the wall. Many people choose to build a custom recess that they design and build their own fireplace, complete with a custom mantel and frame, while others simply put their electric wall-mounted fire against the wall and take in the view.