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History of VIDEO GAMING - The First GAMING Ever Made?
As a devoted retro-gamer, for quite a long time I've been particularly thinking about the history of video games. To become more specific, a topic that I'm very passionate about is "Which was the first video game available?"... So, I started an exhaustive investigation on this subject (and making this article the initial one in some articles which will cover in detail all video gaming history).

The question was: That was the first video game ever made?

The solution: Well, as a lot of things in life, there is absolutely no easy response to that question. This will depend by yourself definition of the term "video game". For lido88 : When you talk about "the first gaming", do you mean the first gaming that has been commercially-made, or the first console game, or possibly the first digitally programmed game? Because of this, I made a list of 4-5 video gaming that in a single way or another were the beginners of the video gaming industry. You will notice that the first video gaming were not made up of the thought of getting any benefit from them (back in those decades there was no Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, Sega, Atari, or any other gaming company around). In fact, the sole idea of a "video game" or an electric device which was only made for "doing offers and having a great time" was above the imagination of over 99% of the population back in days past. But thanks to this small band of geniuses who walked the first steps into the video gaming revolution, we're able to enjoy several hours of fun and entertainment today (keeping aside the creation of millions of jobs in the past 4 or 5 5 decades). Without further ado, here I present the "first video game nominees":

1940s: Cathode Ray Tube Amusement Device

This is considered (with official documentation) as the first electronic game device ever made. It was created by Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. and Estle Ray Mann. The game was assembled in the 1940s and submitted for an US Patent in January 1947. The patent was granted December 1948, which also makes it the first electronic game device to ever get a patent (US Patent 2,455,992). As described in the patent, it was an analog circuit device with an selection of knobs used to go a dot that appeared in the cathode ray tube display. This game was inspired by how missiles appeared in WWII radars, and the object of the game was simply controlling a "missile" so as to hit a target. In the 1940s it had been extremely difficult (for not saying impossible) to show graphics in a Cathode Ray Tube display. Due to this, only the actual "missile" appeared on the display. The prospective and any graphics were showed on screen overlays manually placed on the display screen. It's been said by many that Atari's famous gaming "Missile Command" was made after this gaming device.

1951: NIMROD

NIMROD was the name of a digital computer device from the 50s decade. The creators of the computer were the engineers of an UK-based company under the name Ferranti, with the thought of displaying the device at the 1951 Festival of Britain (and later it had been also showed in Berlin).

NIM is really a two-player numerical game of strategy, that is thought to come originally from the ancient China. The rules of NIM are easy: There are a certain number of groups (or "heaps"), and each group includes a certain number of objects (a common starting array of NIM is 3 heaps containing 3, 4, and 5 objects respectively). Each player take turns removing objects from the heaps, but all removed objects must be from the single heap and a minumum of one object is removed. The ball player to take the final object from the last heap loses, however there exists a variation of the overall game where in fact the player to take the final object of the last heap wins.