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15 Best Pinterest Boards Of All Time About In Wall Fireplace
Types of in Wall Fireplaces

A chic in-wall fireplace is a stylish method of adding warmth and ambiance to your living space. They are easy to install and maintain.

To install an in wall fireplace, first cut an opening for the unit according to the manufacturer's instructions. Then, build a frame around the fireplace or "bump out" the wall to create a finished look.


Ethanol Fireplaces are a great option for homeowners looking to make a modern addition to their home but don't want invest the money needed to install a fireplace that burns wood. These fireplaces can be wall mounted or recessed, and can be installed in any room of the house. This type of fireplace offers homeowners a green, safe alternative since it doesn't release toxic or harmful substances when burned.

Simple installation and use The ease of installation and the convenience of use are two of the major advantages of ethanol fire places. Simply pour a small amount of fuel from ethanol into the fireplace, and then light it up using the stove lighter. The fire can last for up to four hours, and then disappear. Ethanol fireplaces don't produce any smoke, so they can be used in areas where a wood-burning fireplace is not appropriate.

Since they don't need a flue or pipe connection They are a great choice for homes where there is limited space or for those who live in apartments or condos that have restrictions on what residents are allowed to do to their residences. They're also a good option for businesses as they can be used in waiting areas or other public areas.

The only drawback to an ethanol fire is that it requires oxygen to burn. It should not be used in non-ventilated rooms. Keep a fire extinguisher in close proximity to the fireplace and keep any items that could ignite at least a meter away.

In addition to being easy to use they are also relatively inexpensive to maintain and purchase. They can be purchased at major retailers and are available in many different styles. Some fireplaces can be controlled by a smartphone application that allows you to turn it on and off whenever you want. You should make sure that your fireplace has completely cooled before you refill it or restart it.


Some electric fireplaces are made to be recessed into walls. Some are fully recessed while others may be partially recessed. This kind of fireplace is perfect for those that want a fully finished look as it does not require a chimney and can be installed in a very small space.

After the fireplace has been installed and is in place, you can use the lumber to build the frame around it to create a finished look that will help it stay in the right spot. Some homeowners decide to add a fireplace mantel to their in-wall fireplaces to create a focal point. It is crucial to follow the manufacturer's guidelines and pay close attention to clearances and recommended distances. This is crucial, particularly when you want to be sure that your fireplace does not be too close to items that could catch on the fire.

It is important to keep in mind that your wall-mounted fireplace must be on its own dedicated circuit regardless of its size or shape. If the fireplace is connected to an outlet along with other appliances, the outlet might overload. This could result in the blowing of a fuse or tripping of a circuit breakers.

The installation of a wall-mount fireplace can be a little more involved than installing an ethanol model. A professional is usually required to ensure that the fireplace is securely installed on the wall. This is especially true for built-in units that are designed to be fully recessible into the wall.

This type of installation requires sufficient space for the gas line and heat vents. The fireplace should also be installed near carbon-monoxide detectors so that you can be alerted of dangerous CO levels in your home.

An in-wall fireplace is a great option to improve the ambience of your living space as well as provide an additional source of heat. This is a great method to reduce your energy bills while adding a stylish accent piece to your home. It is important to take into account the maintenance costs of a fireplace when deciding whether it is right for you.


Gas fireplaces provide the same heat and style of traditional wood burning fireplaces but without the need for a chimney. These fireplaces are easy to install and safer than their wood-burning counterparts. These fireplaces are available in a broad selection of styles that will suit any style.

The first step in installing a gas-fired wall fireplace is to locate the ideal place in your home for it. When deciding where to put your fireplace, think about the design of the room as well as the furniture you have. Once you've decided the best place to put it, cut a hole in the wall that is the same size as the fireplace unit. Follow the directions of the manufacturer on how to install the unit.

You can find the installation instructions for your specific fireplace on the website of the company or in the box of the unit. The process of installing a fireplace will differ, depending on the type of fireplace you select and the construction of your house. If you're installing a gas fireplace it is crucial to follow the instructions of the manufacturer regarding venting and clearances from combustible substances.

Most in-wall gas fireplaces are direct vent systems. They draw combustion air from outside through a vent on your exterior wall and exhaust the combustion byproducts to the exterior. This is the most well-known and safest option for your in wall gas fireplace.

Certain gas fireplaces utilize the pilot light to ignite the burner, while others come with an electronic ignition. If your fireplace is equipped with an electric ignition, you can push an outlet on the wall or on a remote control to turn the fireplace on. You can also set the fireplace on auto-pilot which will keep the fire burning even when you're not present in the room.

Another important safety factor when using a gas fireplace is to ensure that you have carbon monoxide detectors installed in your home. Carbon monoxide can be a deadly byproduct of gas combustion that can be poisonous if it enters into the air supply of your home. Carbon monoxide can be poisonous if it gets into the air supply in your home. A carbon monoxide detector should be located close to any source of fuel which produces a flame, such as an in-wall fireplace. These detectors are available at most hardware shops.


A custom-built wall fireplace can add a touch luxury to any room. These fireplaces can be installed in a wall or recessed space and run on electricity instead of gas. Most have a realistic flame that can be styled with a variety of color and LED light settings. Some even have heat settings that can warm the space. Certain models can be wired into the electrical system of a home, while others can simply be connected. They are simple to install, and safe for pets and children.

The Cambridge Metropolitan combines a classic, traditional look with the latest in technology. The fireplace can be placed in a recessed wall or an existing fireplace and includes an edging. It also comes with five levels of brightness for the flame and a selection of ember effects. It also makes use of infrared heating to warm the air in the room, which is usually faster than the conventional fan heater. electric fireplaces wall mounted has a safety thermal cut-off to avoid overheating.

This fireplace is an excellent option for those looking to upgrade an existing wood fireplace. It has faux log beds as well as a glass-crystal ember bed which gives the appearance of an actual fire. It can be utilized with or without heating setting and features an energy-efficient fan that circulates warm air. Its patented screen fire is also easy to clean.

This fireplace insert with electric features an elegant, modern design that is perfect for the majority of traditional masonry fireplaces. The remote control permits you to adjust the heat, flame, and the ember settings. The flame can be set to light to a raging flame, and the ember can be switched from a soft glow to a deep orange. It comes with a timer that can be set to stop automatically after a specified amount of time. The electric fireplace can be wired or hard wired into the home's electrical system, and it includes an installation kit for wall mounting to accommodate either of the options. It's a fantastic addition to any home, and it is sure to impress guests with its quality and authenticity.